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Kate’s Top Tips for Healthy Eating

  1. Making intentions sustainable means making them achievable. Don’t over intend. You will have to revisit your reasons often and allow yourself space to forget or drift and bring yourself back to integrity without self-blame. Its Ok not to be perfect.
  2. Don’t start with the food!
    For me, any intention starts from the inside. Take time to meditate every morning (it doesn’t have to be for long) on how you are feeling, how you want to feel emotionally and physically. Allow yourself to conjure up those feelings of peace or joy or vibrancy and experience them…. THEN have breakfast!
  3. Just add some colour to every meal. Having toast in the morning? Add some avocado with Dukkah or tomato. If you’re having porridge, add blueberries and strawberries. Make sure you have some salad in your sandwich at lunch or just have a salad – add our Dukkah Salad Sprinkles to it and it will give you long lasting energy too. It is so quick and simple to steam some veggies for dinner, try to make it 3 veg – one green and leafy and two others.
  4. Get your feet on the grass or your nose in the fresh air and give your eyes some green to look at – we don’t only eat food, we eat impressions, sunlight, sound – incorporate nature into your diet as often as you can to help you recharge and rebalance.
  5. Two things my grandfather taught me about hydration which I live by are: NOT to drink chilled drinks as they make your body work hard to warm them up and actually don’t cool you down in summer and secondly NOT to drink water with a meal as it dilutes the stomach acids and makes digestion more difficult.

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